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1970 - 1980

These were the years of Roy Stuart’s evolution in the New York context of the so-called American counterculture. Poets, musicians and junkies. He associated with Gregory Corso and Allen Ginsberg, but of extreme importance was the encounter with the Cuban poet Nelson Villamor who became his very close friend. Stuart together with Villamor shared the musical experience bound to the “Pigeons of the Universe” band. Parallelly to music, at the dawn of the 1970s, Stuart had his first cinematographic experience: a minor part in The Godfather Part II and, subsequently, in many other movies, amongst which a few X-rated movies of the time (Lasse Braun). Stuart remains instantly fascinated by cinematographic techniques and especially by the use of lighting; asking many questions, he observes and learns to build creations with the use of lights. 

1980 - 1990

Stuart, seemingly resolute in refusing “the American way of life”, left the United States for Europe. He established himself in England, where he shot erotic snaps of his girlfriend, that would later be sold to some French magazines. The already remarkable clichés became more defined. His contacts grew proportionally to the increasing contracts. Roy Stuart became a professional photographer and, for a certain period, he worked as a fashion photographer as well. The uptight attitude in London during the 1980s triggered Stuart’s departure for Paris.


More and more often the photographic sessions were also filmed. These sequences would later be grouped together in The Glimpse Videos, an experimental assemblage very close to the idea of a documentary of his work. The photographic series became more narrative. Stuart grew closer to his dream of the 1970s: cinema. The meeting organized by Dian Hanson with Benedikt Taschen realised itself in the publication of five photo volumes (Roy Stuart I – RSV) which give the author worldwide success, having sold more than 500,000 copies. In 2008 Stuart directed and produced his first full-length feature film, The Lost Door. In 2014 Skylight releases Glympstorys, his 6th opus.

Roy Stuart

"Osez !", Gallery Sometimes, New York (USA)

22 June - 10 August 2011

Art & You, Paris (France)

23 November 2008

Arqué, Lisbon (Portugal)

23 June 2006

COKKIE SNOEI, Rotterdam (Holland)

October 2003

ARTISSIMA, Torino (Italy)

November 2003

MI ARTE, Milano (Italy)

March 2003

FIERA ARCO, Madrid (Spain)

February 2003

ARTE FIERA, Bologna (Italy)

January 2003

MONACO SIDA, Monte Carlo (Monaco)

January 2003

RONCE NOIR, Paris (France)

November 2002

ARTISSIMA, Torino (Italy)

November 2002

DESIRE, Galleria d’Arte Moderne Bologna (Italy)

June 2002

MI ARTE, Milano (Italy)

March 2002

FIERA ARCO, Madrid (Spain)

February 2002

ARTE FIERA, Bologna (italy)

January 2002

ARTISSIMA, Torino (Italy)

November 2001

EROSCORRIDA, Torino (Italy)

January 1999



Evolution de Roy Stuart dans les milieux représentant la “contrer-culture” américaine à New York. Poète, musiciens et junkies. Rencontre avec GREGORY CORSO, ALLEN GINSBERG et surtout son amis et poète cubain NELSON VILLAMOR. Roy Stuart se joint à lui dans l’aventure musicale du groupe “PIGEONS OF THE UNIVERS”. Parallèlement, Roy Stuart connais le métier d’acteur au début des années 70. Un petit rôle dans “Le Parrain II”, et nombreux autres films dont quelques “X” de l’époque (LASSE BRAUN). Immédiatement Roy Stuart est fasciné par les techniques du cinéma et plus particulièrement les éclairages, il pose beaucoup de questions, observe, apprend à composer, à “confectionner” avec les lumières.

Roy Stuart, froidement résolu au refus de l’ american way of life quitte les USA pour l’Europe. Il s’installe en Angleterre, y fait des photos érotiques de sa compagne et les vend à des revues françaises. Les clichés, déjà remarquables, sont bien accueillis. Les contacts se nouent et le commandes se multiplient. Roy Stuart devient photographe professionnel. Et également, pour un temps, photographe de mode. L’attitude coincée de l’Angleterre des 80’s accélère le départ de Roy Stuart pour Paris.

De plus en plus souvent, les prises de vue photo sont également filmées. Ces séquences sont réunies dans de grands collages expérimentaux, proches du documentaire de travail, les Glimpse Vidéos. Les séries de photo se font plus narratives. Roy Stuart se rapproche de sont rêve des années 70 : Le cinéma. La rencontre avec BENEDIKT TASCHEN débouche sur la publication de 5 livres de photo au succès mondial. En 2008, Roy Stuart entame la réalisation de son premier long métrage : The Lost Door. En 2014 Skylight publie Glympstorys, son 6ème opus.